Studio Gear

Original List YAML

Name Category Qty Notes Review TODO Manual
Alesis QS8 Synths I've made tons of tracks on this thing and recorded them through the digital output. I got a really clean, crisp sound, but using it as a multitimbral synth, I was locked into everything running through the stereo outs with very little panning or ways of using outboard processing.
Alesis QSR Synths Connected to a Frontier Tango 24 via ADAT.
Oberheim Matrix 6R Synths Sometimes CEM chips have to be reseated if volume goes up on certain keys in a scale.
OB 6000 for editing.
SynLibMX6 for patches.
The Oberheim Matrix-6 Patch Bible Thread
Oberheim Xpander Synths Need a diagnostic by a tech, like Jupiter 6.
Roland Jupiter 6 Synths Europa Mod Need to get this synth looked at by a tech. Seems to "alternate" between different sounds? Is Europa mod installed properly? Need a good diagnostic...
Roland MKS-50 Synths Used with a PG-300 Fat Atari basses!
Roland D-550 Synths Used with a PG-1000
Roland SH-09 Synths Modded with Synhouse MIDI input
Roland R-8M Drum Machine
Boss DR-660 Drum Machine
Roland JV-880 Synths Replaced a fritzing JV-80, which was my first "real" synth. I do regret not getting something with an onboard sequencer. I couldn't understand how to use MIDI and computers at the time. I was about 10 years old.
Roland XV-5080 Synths
Korg TR-Rack Synths
Korg Wavestation SR Synths
Korg Electribe EM-1 Synths Neat portamento effects.
Novation DrumStation v2 Drum Machine
AKAI S1100 Samplers
Yamaha DX100 Synths
Yamaha PSS-680 Synths This was my first synth, purchased in 1986 at Best. It has an amazing demo song.
Yamaha RM50 Drum Machine
Yamaha TX7 Synths
Yamaha TX816 Synths
Nord Lead Rack Expanded Synths This is my favorite synth. Well-defined knobs are the best.
Nord Modular Rack Expanded Synths Encore Electronics expansion
E-mu Emulator III XS Samplers
Roland S-770 Samplers Captures the incoming sound and makes it even better!
Yamaha TX16W Samplers
Novation 25SL MkII Controller
Yamaha KX-88 Controller
Ensoniq DP/4 Outboard
Yamaha SPX90 Outboard Sounds thin like a DX7 to me.
Lexicon PCM60 Outboard I thought I'd like the sound of the push-button presets, but compared to an LXP-1, it's not as good of a sound and nowhere near as configurable.
Lexicon LXP-1 Outboard Used with an MRC, essential. Paired with an MRC, you can easily program dense long reverbs. Sliders are a little dodgy.
Lexicon LXP-5 Outboard Used with an MRC, essential. My unit had the random patch change bug, rendering it virtually unusable, but the MRC fixed the issue altogether. I never touch the front panel.
Lexicon MRC Outboard 2
Alesis Quadraverb Outboard 3
Universal Audio UAD-1 Outboard
Speck XTRAMIXcxi-V5 Mixers Helpful:
rear image
Very, very clean and quiet. Colors sounds oh so slightly and in a very nice way.
Speck EQ16-32 Mixers Just a beautiful sounding piece of equipment. I am so grateful to Vince for selling me his last one.
Speck Model 316 Mixers
Mackie 32/8-Bus Mixers 1
Mackie 1604-VLZ Pro Mixers 3
Mackie 1402-VLZ Pro Mixers
Roland M-480 Mixers
RME Hammerfall 9652 Recorders Fundamentally reliable.
RME Digiface Recorders Fundamentally reliable.
Frontier Tango24 Recorders 3 A little cloudy, but still very musical.
Lucid GENx6-96 Recorders
RME ADI-2 Recorders
API A2D Recorders Borrowing this 2 channel digital preamp from my friend...
Presonus Digimax 48k Recorders
M-Audio Transit USB Recorders
Apogee Duet Recorders
Apogee Big Ben Recorders
Apogee Rosetta 800 Recorders
Apogee AD-16X Recorders
Apogee DA-16X Recorders
Frontier AlphaTrack Recorders
Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox 3 Recorders
Deneke AD-20 Recorders
Panasonic SV-3800 Recorders
M-Audio SuperDAC Recorders
Midiman Midisport 8x8/s MIDI/CV 3
Steinberg MIDEX-8 MIDI/CV 1
Emagic AMT 8 MIDI/CV 1
Alyseum AL-88 MIDI/CV 3 Replaces Midiman Midisport 8x8/s units (gratefully!)
ART USB Phono Plus Recorders
Mackie HR824 Monitoring
Yamaha NS-10M Monitoring
Adcom GFA-545 Monitoring Amp for NS-10Ms. Modded.
Yamaha YST-SW315 Subwoofer Monitoring Sub for NS-10Ms
SM Audio M-Patch 2 Monitoring
Presonus HP4 Monitoring
B&W DM302 Monitoring
Steinberg Cubase VST v5.2 Beta 7 Software
Steinberg Wavelab 3.0 Software
Apple Logic Pro v9.1 Software
Native Instruments Battery Software
Native Instruments Kontakt 2 Software
Native Instruments FM8 Software
Soundtower QSEdit Pro Software
Soundtower XVEdit Pro Software
Soundtower WS SoundEditor Software
Waves Native Power Pack Software
Har-Bal Visual Mastering System Software
PPG Wave 2.2 / 2.3 / EVU Simulator Synths
MIDI-OX Software
WaveKnife Software
Way Out Ware TimewARP 2600 Synths
ShortCircuit v1 Samplers
Redmatica AutoSampler Samplers
Voxengo r8brain Software
Voxengo SPAN Software
Petrof Upright Piano Instruments
Breedlove SC/R Instruments
Seagull Acoustic Guitar Instruments
Ernie Ball Music Man Sterling Instruments
Shure KSM141 Microphones
AKG 414 U-BLS Microphones Modded.
AKG C1000 Microphones 2
Sennheiser e 865 (Sting) Microphones
Shure SM57 Microphones
Shure SM58 Microphones
Audio-Technica AT853 Microphones 2 Used in a portable recorder
Gigabyte GA-8PE667 Ultra based PC Computers
Lenovo Thinkpad W701ds Computers
Macbook Pro 15 inch 2009 Computers
Redco R196-D25PG TT/DB25 96pt Patchbay Mixers 3
ZSys Optipatch Mixers 1
Midiman SAM Mixers 1
AP Audio Re An 48pt Patchbay Mixers 2 De-Normalled: Grey hole can be either on top or bottom in the front / Half-Normalled: Grey hole is on the bottom in the back / Normalled: Grey hole is on the top in the back
NetworkSound Mamba 16XDB Mixers 1
Signal Transport Synth Driver II Mixers
Signal Transport Synth Driver Mixers
TC Electronic Finalizer Plus Outboard
Ebtech HE-8 Hum Eliminator Mixers
M-Audio CO2 S/PDIF Optical Converter Mixers RME Digiface only has coaxial outputs and API A2D is already taking up the coaxial input on the RME ADI-2. This will allow Digiface to connect to ADI-2 through the latter's optical input.
Waldorf MiniWorks 4-Pole Outboard use any 12vdc adapter between 500mA and 1000mA with center + (positive) polarity on the plug
Midiman Micromixer 18 Mixers
BSS AR-133 Active Direct Box Mixers
Yamaha HS5 Monitoring
Yamaha HS8S Monitoring
Tascam 302 Tape Desk Mixers 4
Mitsubishi MSZ-GL09NA-U1 Miscellaneous
Sharp LC-42SB45U Miscellaneous
Samsung BD-C5500 Miscellaneous
Audio Technica ATH-M50S Monitoring

By Category



Drum Machine












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